Welcome to Heart Street Art Ministry!
Heart Street Art Ministry provides a place for individuals to set free the pains of his or her past through Spirit-led, artistic expression applied on canvas. Men and women are able to release energy, pain, suffering or anger with each brush stroke.
At Heart Street, we want each of our artists to feel safe and welcomed. Our Christian-based approach focuses on the development of a relationship with Jesus Christ and the other artists in our family. We lean on one another when we need support and learn to become healthy, functional members of society.
Danny B.
Hi! I'm Danny B., Adroit Artificer, of Heart Street Art Ministry. Being formerly homeless and an alcoholic, I understand what it means to feel like you don't belong anywhere. Having a space to call your own is a rare commodity. My dream for this ministry is to give individuals suffering from trauma in their life, no matter what it may be, find a way to release that negative energy and surround themselves with Spirit-led supporters. Each artist will be given a designated space to store their work and call their own.
Art has always been a passion of mine and when combined with the force of God, it truly helped rescue me from a dark past. Now, I'm ready to help others find their way to the light and discover the best parts of themselves. I can't wait for you to join me on this journey of recovery!
Trauma Recovery
Our hearts go out to God's children suffering from trauma. If you're ready to continue your recovery from abuse, addiction, loss or abandonment, homelessness or post-war trauma, we're here to walk alongside you.
Art Therapy
Discover the release of your world's troubles by experiencing our life-changing art therapy sessions. Sessions are FREE to attend and we will supply everything you need, including paint, canvas, art supplies and a space to store your work.
Prayer & Support
Heart Street Art Ministry believes in the power of prayer and the guidance of the Spirit during any healing process. During sessions, expect to feel God's love as the Holy Spirit leads you in the repair of your mind, body and soul.
*NOTE: Our top priority is the safety and confidentiality of our artists. Please contact us if you have questions in regard to our privacy policy.
By Appointment Only
4601 W. Custer Lane, #204
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
If you have questions regarding our ministry, would like to schedule an Art Therapy session or are interested in supporting us financially or by donating art supplies, please fill out the contact form below.